The Newfoundland Club

Recognising the achievements of Newfoundlands in Working Tests

Draught Level 1 (c)

Judges: Mrs. J. Jeyes & Mr. P. Webber

4 passed out of 4 entries.

OwnerPet NameRegistered Name
Cornhill, Mr. & Mrs. M.L. BLIGH Aquabears Captail Bligh
Magorrian, Mr. & Mrs. M. LERCIO Culnor Silly Point
Milton, Mr. & Mrs. J. MEGAN Merrybear Nutmeg
Spencer, A FLOJO Starminsk Culnor

Draught Level 1 (d)

Judges: Mr. M. Wyatt & Mr. J. Milton

1 passed out of 1 entry.

OwnerPet NameRegistered Name
Black, Mr. & Mrs. K. WATSON Wanitopa Song & Dance

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